Top tips to make your December stressless.

Published in
1 min readNov 29, 2018


December can be stressful. Gift buying, Christmas organising, travelling to family, or family coming to stay. There’s a lot going on and a lot to plan. Here are our top 3 tips to make it as stressless as possible!

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  1. To-do lists.
    Write. It. Down. This helps get your brain in order and makes sure nothing is forgotten. From gifts to family brunch’s, to-do lists are useful for everything. You can then check it off as you go along, giving you that sweet satisfaction of completion.
  2. Get ahead of the game.
    Do. Not. Procrastinate. Get ahead of the rush and go present shopping before the rush, you can buy some food now and freeze it. Plenty can be done ahead of time which decreases the stress when the clock starts ticking.
  3. All hands on deck.
    Friends. Family. Children. They can all help you get ready. Utilise all the hands you might have around the house to take the stress away.

From all of us at Goodnest, we wish you a happy, stressless December and a Merry Christmas! And remember, if you need someone to clean your house before, or after, that raging Christmas party, we’re here to help!

